Affinity PM8 - PMS Cycle Support

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PM8 - Origin: A discussion over strength output during a woman’s period sparked a debate and a detailed look into how women are adversely affected during this time and what could be done.

What started as a project to help aid the body during this time to help endurance and sustain a feeling of well being.

The work soon got much more detailed as the information coming in was as varied as you'd expect but also the depth and complexity of the symptoms called for a far more inclusive approach to the project.

This needed to be not just women in sports, but for all women.

A look into remedies, anecdotal evidence as well as studies brought together a list of potential ingredients that could help. Working through these, the dosages and implications of their combination took some time. With a list of over 23 ingredients, this was worked down to 10 plus an absorption agent. Dosages then refined. Synergy has always been at the forefront of this process and the “less is more” approach yielded a far better result than anticipated within the first quarter of trialling. 

Feedback started to come in and that's where Charis Cook a coach and athlete from the USA and our own Worlds Strongest Woman U63 Shannon Clifford noted a shift in how they felt as well as also the lessening of symptoms leading up to their periods.


In the case of Charis she wrote the following for that weeks feedback "It's honestly kind of a miracle. I'm 38 years old. I have not experienced this noticeable change in symptoms ever, let alone this quickly."

Since with Shannon she has posted her own story along with PM8 experience on her instagram channel which is available here.

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The goal and tackling the depth of the issues faced was simply to help across three areas and alleviate some issues by 15-20%. Turn a bad day into manageable one, lessen pain and help the individual feel there was something they could do to function on the worst of these days.

Firstly help with the pain, lessen the impact of cramping and therefore reduce signals associated with these moments, the helplessness and the want to just stop. With Ginger to soothe and settle and cognitive duo of Rhodiola and KSM-66 again to help calm and refocus. The final stage really is replenishment and offering the body materials it can use and take the stress from the normal system resources. It was a plan, a want and the feedback gave us all that we wanted,

We are working with basics, an approach thats been taken across the board with building ingredient profiles and this was no different. Only the stake i felt much higher after hearing what was being faced by women every month and for days at a time.

It is truly my wish that whilst supplementation can be overlooked for what it is and how it should be approached, my standpoint is firm. Our lives are changing, a lot of the basics from nutrition and well being have been forgotten but not lost. We need to help restore balance and take care of ourselves.

Whilst it is my wish that we could fixed all symptoms and all ill’s, we are working with what we have and no means experts no matter how invested. Always seek professional help for ongoing issues as you'd expect. Especially when pregnant or breastfeeding. 

PM8 is 30 days supply and 90 capsules. 

WARNINGS: As with all supplementation, please consult your physician prior to use if you have a medical health condition. Do not take this product if pregnant or breast feeding without seeking medication consultation from your doctor. Do not exceed the suggested use. Keep out of the reach of children. Keep in a cool dry place. This product is not intended to cure or prevent any disease or illness. This product should not not be used as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet & healthy lifestyle.


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